Tiger Mountain Peasant Song
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:51 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
from "Fleet Foxes"
Song Author
Robin Pecknold
File Size
51 KB
Wan-de-re-rs this mor-nin' came by.
Where do they- go
Grace-ful in the mo-o-o-or-ning light.
To ba-a-a-an-ner fair.
To fo-o-ol-low you soft-ly in the cold moun-tain air.
Through the fo-o-rest, down to your grave.
Where the bi-irds wait,
And the tall gra-a-a-as-ses wave
They-ey-ey-ey do not kno-ow you a-ny-mo-o-ore!
De-ar sha--dow, a-live and well!
How can the bo-o-dy die?
You tell me e-very-thing!
A-ny-thing tru-u-u-ue!
In-to tow-n one mor-nin' I went
Stag-ger-i-n' through
Pre-mo-ni-tions o---f my death.
I--- don't see a-a-ny-bo-dy that de-ar to me--.
De-ar sha--dow, a-live and well!
How can the bo-o-dy die?
You tell me e-very-thing!
A-ny-thing tru-u-u-ue!
I don't know what I-- ha-ve done!
I'm tu-r-r-nin' my-self to a de-mon!
I don't know what I-- ha-ve done!
I'm tu-r-r-nin' my-self to a de-mon!